[horde] Large numbers of open sessions

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Jan 25 15:51:01 UTC 2012

Quoting Simon Wilson <simon at simonandkate.net>:

> Hi list...
> I upgraded my Horde install last night, after a couple of months  
> since the last upgrade. As a matter or course now I check Sessions,  
> and there were 3025 open sessions. Given there are typically only 3  
> or 4 users, I was a bit surprised at the number.
> The sessions are all (bar a couple) from iOS devices, of which there  
> are 5 currently registered to ActiveSync.
> In the 12 hours since the upgrade, 4 of those iOS devices (iOS4 and  
> iOS5) have added 224 new open sessions.

> It would appear that for some reason iOS and Horde ActiveSync are  
> not closing and terminating sessions between them. Is there a known  
> issue with this,

I'm not seeing this on my production machine - which is currently  
linked to 1 iPhone 4S, 1 iPad, 2 iPod Touches, and 3 android devices  
of varying versions.

That being said, ActiveSync, itself does not need the session and was  
originally coded to disable sessions. However, some of the code paths  
in the applications rely on authentication information stored in the  
session. See http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9733


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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