[horde] Attachments in Horde 4

Luis Felipe Marzagao lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 21:56:03 UTC 2012

Em 23/02/12 18:16, Michael M Slusarz escreveu:
> Quoting rodrigoantunes at pelotas.ifsul.edu.br:
>> Hi, in Horde 4 when I click to forward a message that is with 
>> attachments the compose window shows only one attachment called 
>> "forwarded message" and not the original attachments. In Horde 3 I 
>> was abble do forward them and in compose window I could select wich 
>> of them I want to forward.
I was just about to ask the same question.
> Horde 3 was broken, Horde 4 has corrected the forwarding behavior.  
> You are not describing forwarding - you are describing "Edit As New".
Ok, it seems right from the technical point of view. But I think users 
are used to the wrong concept of forwarding, as programs usually label 
the "edit as new" as "forward".  So it´s hard to make a shift.

Anyway, is there a 'Edit as new' functionality in IMP?
> michael
Thanks a lot,
Luis Felipe
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> Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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