[horde] Attachments in Horde 4

Luis Felipe Marzagao lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 00:20:13 UTC 2012

Em 23/02/12 19:56, Luis Felipe Marzagao escreveu:
> Em 23/02/12 18:16, Michael M Slusarz escreveu:
>> Quoting rodrigoantunes at pelotas.ifsul.edu.br:
>>> Hi, in Horde 4 when I click to forward a message that is with 
>>> attachments the compose window shows only one attachment called 
>>> "forwarded message" and not the original attachments. In Horde 3 I 
>>> was abble do forward them and in compose window I could select wich 
>>> of them I want to forward.
> I was just about to ask the same question.
>> Horde 3 was broken, Horde 4 has corrected the forwarding behavior.  
>> You are not describing forwarding - you are describing "Edit As New".
> Ok, it seems right from the technical point of view. But I think users 
> are used to the wrong concept of forwarding, as programs usually label 
> the "edit as new" as "forward".  So it´s hard to make a shift.
> Anyway, is there a 'Edit as new' functionality in IMP?
Ohh, I just realized it is in the right-click drop down menu.

Would it hurt to have this option at least inside the Forward button? 
Something like:

- Forwad
L-- As Attachment
L-- In Body Text
L-- Attachment and Body Text
L-- Edit as New

Although I can understand the technical reasons and the correct use of 
the functionality 'forward', I can´t think of any regular user who would 
know, by himself, the difference between 'edit as new' and 'forward'. 
All they usually want is simply send the att.+msg text to another person 
(and unfortunatelly, people widely use email for file transfer, and 
gmail providing att. up to 20MB or more (?) didn´t make any good service 
in discouraging this kind of behaviour).

Also, most people (unfortunatelly - again) don´t ever touch the right 
button of the mouse, specially on web-browsers. They simply forget this 
button exists.

If the action were more apparent, people who know the difference between 
'forward'/'edit as new' would still be able to forward the whole msg if 
they want, wether others could leave 'edit as new' as the default 
behaviour, since they would hardly want to really send (forward) the 
whole msg.

In addition, the presence of the two actions (forward/edit as new) side 
by side would help correctly teaching people about the difference 
between them.

It is already hard to teach users to use the mouse's right button. It 
its double hard to explain the difference between forward/edit as new, 
specially when all they really want is the latter, which was for their 
entire life ('wrongly') presented to them as 'forward'.

>> michael
> Thanks a lot,
> Luis Felipe
Thanks again!
Luis Felipe
>> ___________________________________
>> Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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