[horde] Printing

Xavier Montagutelli xavier.montagutelli at unilim.fr
Wed Feb 29 09:17:55 UTC 2012

On Friday 24 February 2012 18:47:02 Simon Brereton wrote:
> On 24 February 2012 10:42,  <rodrigoantunes at pelotas.ifsul.edu.br> wrote:
> > Hi again, my users protested that the print option in horde4 is missing.
> > In horde 3 when they open the message they have the print option that
> > prints only the message but in horde 4 the option is missing, so they
> > are forced to use the browser's option that prints the whole screen with
> > the menus. Is there a way to add that feature again?
> Horde doesn't often need to print.  I'm going to assume you actually
> mean IMP (which there is a separate list for).
> However, when I open any email in Horde4/IMP5 I see a print icon just
> below the header details (together with a save icon and mime parts
> information.

Yes, there's a small icon. 

As a user feedback : I confirm that this option is not enough visible, or not 
in the right place, and we have to explain to our users how to print e-mails.

> Clicking on this print icon loads a separate window with the email
> roughly formatted the way Outlook would print in Memo format (so
> header information and then the text).
> Simon

Xavier Montagutelli
Service Commun Informatique - Universite de Limoges
123, avenue Albert Thomas - 87060 Limoges cedex
Tel : +33 (0)5 55 45 77 20 /   Fax : +33 (0)5 55 45 75 95

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