[horde] A horde messenger Re: horde replacement

Ralf Lang lang at b1-systems.de
Tue Mar 6 10:44:16 UTC 2012

Am 06.03.2012 11:11, schrieb Jon Spriggs:
> Jappix is a solution you would deploy inside your network - it's all
> open source. It relies on you having an XMPP server within your
> network - much like MS Office Communicator did. Jappix and Jappix Mini
> can both be pre-configured with your users details, and because it's
> based on XMPP (Jabber), any other XMPP client could be used in it's
> place.
> Jappix is largely written in PHP, so I can see no reason why it
> couldn't be used as the basis of a horde application, but it's
> something far out of my range of skills!
Thank you for the pointer. This wasn't yet on my list.

Ralf Lang
Linux Consultant / Developer
Tel.: +49-170-6381563
Mail: lang at b1-systems.de

B1 Systems GmbH
Osterfeldstraße 7 / 85088 Vohburg / http://www.b1-systems.de
GF: Ralph Dehner / Unternehmenssitz: Vohburg / AG: Ingolstadt,HRB 3537

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