[horde] Horde redesign status

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at horde.org
Thu Apr 19 20:16:16 UTC 2012


As the redesign has been a topic of today I wanted to comment on the ideas behind it and the current status.

The redesign was considered necessary as Horde 4 has some UI inconsistences between Imp/Kronolith as well as static/dynamic. This has been a point of criticism for quite some time.

The Horde team tried to tackle that issue before but has not succeeded in finding someone that was willing to work on the topic.

The Horde LLC however has accumulated sufficient funds by now in order to contract a redesign. So we took the decision to invest LLC money into dealing with the UI.

We contracted a team of designers (http://www.no-agency.de) and worked together with them on a new design draft. This saw two rounds of refinement so far. Just this week the devs all agreed we are near to implement it - somewhat later than planned but on the other hand we consider the topic really important.

We are currently waiting for a final draft before making them more public and opening them to comments. Should happen real soon.


Core Developer

The Horde Project

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