[horde] Horde5 Whitescreen

Simon Brereton simon.buongiorno at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 16:04:55 UTC 2012

Sorry to break the threading, but this needs to be in a separate
thread now because it doesn't seem related.

On 10 July 2012 11:34, Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
> Zitat von Simon Brereton <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:
>> Hi
>> I have a similar issue (or at least a similar outcome).
>> Finally, I have my H5 install up and running - but now I've locked
>> myself out.  There are only a few new configuration
>> options/differences with H4, but I'm not sure where the issue is.  One
>> of the issues that confuses me slightly is the new IMAP Server tab in
>> the Horde5 configuration.  What purpose does it server and how does it
>> interact/override the IMP backends.(local.)php?
> Cited *directly* from this tab:
>     If you intend to store user data like shares and groupware data on an
>     server then you will need to ensure that the following fields correspond
> to
>     your IMAP server setup. The IMAP groupware storage will use version 2 of
>     the Kolab XML format. See http://wiki.kolab.org/Kolab_Format_Intro for
>     details.
> I have no idea how to make this clearer. If you do, please let us know.

I understand all the words.  I just don't get the context.  I guess
that means my IMAP server (Dovecot 1.2) isn't advanced enough.

>> On my H4 install, I have Authentication to be performed by the IMAP server
>>  41 $conf['auth']['params']['port'] = 143;
>>  42 $conf['auth']['params']['secure'] = 'false';
>> On the H5 install, I have Authentication to be performed by the IMAP
>> server
>>  41 $conf['auth']['params']['port'] = 993;
>>  42 $conf['auth']['params']['secure'] = 'tls';
>> I'm not able to login.  And the imap log reports not auth attempt from
>> the connection.
> 993 is imaps, not imap with tls.

Okay.  I thought 993 would accept tls as well, but probably my mistake.

>> If I revert to 143, false login/authentication appears to succeed
>> because the url changes to
>> https://horde-beta.example.net/services/portal/index.php but I get a
>> whitescreen and I get these in the Apache log
>> ==> /var/log/apache2/logs/horde-beta-error_log <==
>> [Tue Jul 10 14:56:01 2012] [error] [client] PHP Fatal
>> error:  Class 'DB' not found in
>> /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/php/Horde/Core/Factory/DbPear.php on line
>> 73, referer: https://horde-beta.example.net/login.php
> You didn't install Horde properly. You have missing dependencies. No idea
> how you got so far.

Here's what I have in the Configuration page:
Application												Database			Status
Address Book Address Book (turba) 4.0.0alpha1 			DB schema is
ready.		Application is ready.
Horde Horde (horde) 5.0.0alpha1													Application is ready.
Mail Mail (imp) 6.0.0alpha1								DB schema is ready.		Application is ready.
Horde_Activesync										DB schema is ready. 		
Horde_Alarm											DB schema is ready. 		
Horde_Auth												DB schema is ready. 		
Horde_Cache											DB schema is ready. 		
Horde_Core												DB schema is ready. 		
Horde_Group											DB schema is ready. 		
Horde_History											DB schema is ready. 		
Horde_Lock												DB schema is ready. 		
Horde_Perms											DB schema is ready. 		
Horde_Prefs												DB schema is ready. 		
Horde_Sessionhandler									DB schema is ready. 		
Horde_Syncml											DB schema is ready. 		
Horde_Token											DB schema is ready. 		
Horde_Vfs												DB schema is ready.

Which dependencies am I missing?

For the record, I did the following...
mkdir /usr/share/horde-beta

pear config-create /usr/share/horde-beta /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf
pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf install pear

Install Horde5
/usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf
channel-discover pear.horde.org
/usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf
install horde/horde_role
/usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf
run-scripts horde/horde_role
/usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf -d
preferred_state=alpha install horde/horde
/usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf -d
preferred_state=alpha install horde/imp
/usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pear -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf -d
preferred_state=alpha install horde/turba

cp config/conf.php.dist config/conf.php

vim /usr/share/horde-beta/.htaccess
php_value include_path /usr/share/horde-beta/pear/php
SetEnv PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR /usr/share/horde-beta

/usr/share/horde-beta/pear/pecl -c /usr/share/horde-beta/pear.conf
install fileinfo xdiff geoip ssh2 sasl idn imagick lzf memcache
Restart Apache

MYSQL - create a separate DB for testing.
mysql -u root -p -e "create database hordebeta DEFAULT CHARACTER SET
utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin; grant all privileges on hordebeta.* to
'horde'@'localhost'; flush privileges;"
mysqldump -u root -p horde > horde4.sql
mysql -u root -p hordebeta < horde4.sql

As far as I can tell with both Horde4 and it looks the same with
Horde5 you have to use the --alldeps argument or run into this
problem.  In Horde4 I solved it with a very long list of trial and
error to get all the packages I wanted/needed.  It would be nice if
real dependencies like horde/Horde_Db were downloaded automatically.
However, --alldeps will also download Horde_Kolab_Session,
horde/Horde_Ldap, horde/Horde_Imsp and a bunch of things I don't need.


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