[horde] Weather block shows %r

cjdl01 cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com
Thu Sep 20 16:28:43 UTC 2012

>> Hi Brent,
>> That is exactly what I already have in my prefs.php.  Are you  
>> saying change it TO that or change it FROM that into something  
>> else?  If the latter, what is the something else?  There is no  
>> mention of a %r in my prefs.php....
> Sorry, should be:
> // Time format
> $_prefs['time_format'] = array(
>     'value' => '%H:%M:%S',
>     'type' => 'enum',
>     'enum' => array(
>         '%X' => strftime('%X') . ' (' . _("Default") . ')',
>         '%H:%M:%S' => strftime('%H:%M:%S') . ' (' . _("24-hour  
> format") . ')',
>         '%l:%M:%S %p' => strftime('%l:%M:%S %p'),
>         '%R' => strftime('%r') . ' (' . _("24-hour format") . ')',
>         '%l:%M %p' => strftime('%l:%M %p'),
>     ),
>     'desc' => _("Choose how to display times:")
> );

Thanks Brent, that did the trick!


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