[horde] trouble with horde upgrade / reinstall

Joe @ 3ZZZ joe at 3zzz.net
Sun Oct 14 20:49:38 UTC 2012

>> you can uninstall it in one line:
>> pear uninstall horde/horde horde/imp horde/...
>> But if the configuration is out of date you can use the update button,
>> webserver need write access to the conf.php and conf.bak.php files.
>> --
> Thanks - I've tried 'Update all configurations' and 'Generate Horde  
> Configuration' button on the General page.  I set the config folder  
> and files to 777 for the moment.  There are no errors but nothing  
> happens, no new files are written in the config folder.
> Test page looks good although there's this "This version of PHP has  
> not been fully tested with this version of Horde." (PHP 5.4.7)
> I figure must have done something wrong but can't figure out what.

update: I just removed EVERYTHING listed under "pear list -c horde"  
and then reinstalled and now I can access the other configuration  
tabs.  Thanks for your help Saumuel!

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