[horde] Class 'Horde_ActiveSync_State_Sql' not found

Simon Brereton simon.buongiorno at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 15:48:15 UTC 2012


I'm sure this is my fault, as I never had this problem with earlier
releases..  My horde configuration went fine.  All the apps (imp,
turba and kronolith) are now working, but activesync is not.

If I go to my horde4.example.org/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync, I get a
helpful message that calls from the browser are not supported.
If I go to my horde5.example.org/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync, then I
get an error.  In the apache logs, I have:

==> /var/log/apache2/logs/horde-beta-error_log <==
[Sat Oct 27 04:38:32 2012] [error] [client] PHP Fatal
error:  Class 'Horde_ActiveSync_State_Sql' not found in
on line 10, referer:

==> /var/log/apache2/logs/horde-beta-access_log <== - - [27/Oct/2012:04:38:32 +0000] "GET
/admin/activesync.php HTTP/1.1" 500 474

In the Horde log, I have:
2012-10-27T04:44:32+00:00 EMERG: HORDE-BETA [horde] Class
Horde_Routes_Mapper does not exist [pid 8096 on line 51 of
2012-10-27T04:44:32+00:00 WARN: HORDE-BETA [horde] PHP ERROR: Cannot
modify header information - headers already sent [pid 8096 on line 0
of "Unknown"]
2012-10-27T04:44:32+00:00 WARN: HORDE-BETA [horde] PHP ERROR: Cannot
modify header information - headers already sent [pid 8096 on line 0
of "Unknown"]

Previously when I had this symptom (the ActiveSync URL not reachable
in the browser) it was because there as an issue with the locales -
which Brent provided a solution to here:

In the meantime, I've tried googling and found nothing.

One more thing - when I go to the
https://horde-beta.exampe.org/admin/activesync.php I get a
whitescreen.  Apache logs say:
==> /var/log/apache2/logs/horde-beta-access_log <== - - [27/Oct/2012:04:49:17 +0000] "GET
/admin/activesync.php HTTP/1.1" 500 2497

Am I missing a package or something?


PACKAGE                   VERSION    STATE
Horde_Alarm               2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Argv                2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Auth                2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Autoloader          2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Browser             2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Cache               2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Cli                 2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Compress            2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Constraint          2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Controller          2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Core                2.0.0beta6 beta
Horde_Crypt               2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Data                2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Date                2.0.0beta3 beta
Horde_Date_Parser         2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Db                  2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Editor              2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Exception           2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Form                2.0.0beta3 beta
Horde_Group               2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_History             2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Http                2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Icalendar           2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Image               2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Imap_Client         2.0.0beta4 beta
Horde_Injector            2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Itip                2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_ListHeaders         1.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Lock                2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Log                 2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_LoginTasks          2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Mail                2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Mime                2.0.0beta3 beta
Horde_Mime_Viewer         2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Nls                 2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Notification        2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Perms               2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Prefs               2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Rdo                 2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Role                1.0.0      stable
Horde_Rpc                 2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Secret              2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Serialize           2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_SessionHandler      2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Share               2.0.0beta4 beta
Horde_SpellChecker        2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Stream              1.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Stream_Filter       2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Stream_Wrapper      2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Support             2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Template            2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Text_Diff           2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Text_Filter         2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Text_Filter_Csstidy 2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Text_Flowed         2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Timezone            1.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Token               2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Translation         2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Tree                2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Url                 2.0.0beta3 beta
Horde_Util                2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_Vfs                 2.0.0beta2 beta
Horde_View                2.0.0beta1 beta
Horde_Xml_Element         2.0.0beta1 beta
content                   2.0.0beta1 beta
horde                     5.0.0beta6 beta
imp                       6.0.0beta4 beta
ingo                      3.0.0beta2 beta
kronolith                 4.0.0beta2 beta
mnemo                     4.0.0beta1 beta
nag                       4.0.0beta2 beta
turba                     4.0.0beta3 beta

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