[horde] HTML editor don't show accented characters

José Eduardo Martins jemartins at fis.unb.br
Tue Nov 20 23:57:56 UTC 2012

Citando Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:

> Quoting José Eduardo Martins <jemartins at fis.unb.br>:
>> Citando Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>> Please don't top-post.
>>> Zitat von José Eduardo Martins <jemartins at fis.unb.br>:
>>>> Citando Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:
>>>>> Quoting José Eduardo Martins <jemartins at fis.unb.br>:
>>>>>> I have horde-5.02 and imp-6.0.2-git and if I use HTML editor as  
>>>>>> the default editor it don't show correctly accented characters.
>>>>> Works fine here (I assume you mean characters you are typing  
>>>>> into the editor and then send that message.)
>>>> It Works only if I firstly select plain text editor and then  
>>>> change to HTML editor. If I set default editor as HTML editor it  
>>>> don't show accented characters.
>>> What does that mean? You enter some character and it inserts a  
>>> different one?
>>> -- 
>>> Jan Schneider
>>> The Horde Project
>>> http://www.horde.org/
>>> -- 
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>> If I type "´" and "e" (for example) it show "e" and no "é" as I expected.
> You need to look at the documentation at http://ckeditor.com/ to  
> determine if that is the correct method for inputting accented  
> characters in the dialog (we don't maintain the HTML editor).
> michael
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> Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]
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OK, Michael.
Thank you.


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