[horde] [RESOLVED] Can't send HTML format mails

Nuno Carrilho nuno at znunix.com
Tue Nov 27 16:31:46 UTC 2012



After installing/re-installing, etc, I found that removing the image from
the HTML signature, the webmail can send the HTML mails 


Com os melhores Cumprimentos,


Nuno Carrilho



From: Nuno Carrilho [mailto:nuno at znunix.com] 
Sent: terça-feira, 27 de Novembro de 2012 09:37
To: 'horde at lists.horde.org'
Subject: Can't send HTML format mails




I had Horde working well until the last updates. Now,I can’t send messages
in HTML format. If I change to Plain Text, the message is sent OK.

This are the log lines when I click send (HTML format):

Nov 27 09:23:22 www02 HORDE: Horde_Registry: retrieved app with cache ID
horde_registry|app|1353958025|34a72a83c32fa8768ba1e14029b87942 [pid 16060 on
line 1969 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Registry.php"]

Nov 27 09:23:22 www02 HORDE: [imp] Load config file (conf.php; app: imp)
[pid 16060 on line 477 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde.php"]

Nov 27 09:23:22 www02 HORDE: [imp] Load config file (hooks.php; app: imp)
[pid 16060 on line 477 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde.php"]

Nov 27 09:23:22 www02 HORDE: [imp] PHP ERROR: Declaration of
IMP_Crypt_Smime::extractSignedContents() should be compatible with
Horde_Crypt_Smime::extractSignedContents($data, $sslpath) [pid 16060 on line
17 of "/www/webmail/docs/imp/lib/Crypt/Smime.php"]

Nov 27 09:23:22 www02 HORDE: 1. Horde_Core_Ajax_Application->doAction()
/www/webmail/docs/services/ajax.php:56#0122. call_user_func()
spl_autoload_call() /www/webmail/docs/imp/lib/Compose.php:742#0126.
Horde_Autoloader->loadClass()#0127. Horde_Autoloader->_include()
/usr/share/pear/Horde/Autoloader.php:21#0128. include()

Nov 27 09:23:22 www02 HORDE: [imp] Could not resolve host: data; Name or
service not known [pid 16060 on line 27 of

Nov 27 09:23:22 www02 HORDE: [imp] Max memory usage: 5767168 bytes [pid
16060 on line 542 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Registry.php"]


I got a PHP ERROR: Declaration of IMP_Crypt_Smime::extractSignedContents()
and then comes the error: Could not resolve host: data; Name or service not


If I use any other mail client, via IMAP or POP3, the mails are sent
correctly (HTML format).

I already made a new clean installation of HORDE WEBMAIL. The problem

Also I have installed a new server, with different OS, and got the same


Can anyone help with this?



Com os melhores Cumprimentos,


Nuno Carrilho



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