[horde] Horde 5 - accepting invitations

Jens Grüntjes jens.gruentjes at ebira.de
Wed Nov 28 21:26:53 UTC 2012

Zitat von Simon Brereton <simon.buongiorno at gmail.com>:

> Hi
> I have a problem with Horde 5 accepting a calendar invite that I don't
> have with my horde 4 install.  None of the options appear to work -
> i.e. accept and add, accept, add...
> Something wrong with my configuration?  The error just says there was
> an error contacting the server (which reminds me copying error
> messages was much easier in Horde 4).
> Thanks.
> Simon

Hello Simon, I recently created a bug report (have a look at  
http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11688 ) and started a thread on this list  
because I have similar problems. The thread starts around 9th of  
November 2012.

Unfortunately there is no activity on the bug because I guess the  
developers are busy on more important bugs.
Viele Grüße

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