[horde] Timestamp of mails in sent-mail folder differs from Message Log in IMP

Jens Grüntjes jens.gruentjes at ebira.de
Mon Dec 3 15:10:49 UTC 2012

Zitat von Jens Grüntjes <jens.gruentjes at ebira.de>:

> Hello list,
> I received a mail at 10:28 CET (I live in Germany) and forwarded  
> that mail at 10:33 CET. The "Message Log" in IMP says that the mail  
> was forwarded at 09:33. When I look in the sent-mail folder the  
> message was sent at 10:33 CET.
> In my user preferences the timezone was set to "Europe/Berlin".  
> Changing this to "Standard" gives the result that the time in  
> sent-mail is displayed as 09:33 UTC. The Message Log also says the  
> mail was forwarded at 09:33.
> Changing the timezone again back to "Europe/Berlin" I get 10:33 CET  
> in the sent-mail folder an 10:33 in the "Message Log".
> When I forward the mail again the Message Log says the mail was  
> forwarded the first time at 09:33 and the second time at 09:47.
> Can someone tell me where I should first have a look at to correct  
> that? And besides, where is defined what the "Standard"-timezone is?  
> I'm using the latest stable Horde Groupware 5.0.1 and IMP 6.0.1
> Thanks for your help.
> -- 
Does nobody have an idea?
Viele Grüße

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