[horde] Horde 5 questions

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Dec 3 12:54:09 UTC 2012

Zitat von Benedetto Vassallo <benedetto.vassallo at unipa.it>:

> Hi all,
> I recently installed horde 5.0.2 in a test server with a new  
> database, and all works fine for me.
> Now I want to planning to upgrade my production installation (horde  
> 3.3.11) to the new release of horde.
> Before proceding i want to ask you something:
> How can I upgrade horde 3 database?
> Is it sufficient just point the new horde installation to the old  
> database and then click on the "Update
> schema" link in the configuration screen?

Should work, if you always kept your database up-to-date while  
updating Horde 3 versions.

> Becouse the old horde database is using latin1 charset and h5 will  
> use the UTF-8 charset, it is possible to convert the old database  
> charset to avoid broken characters (like à, è ...)?

No. There is an example script for Mnemo how this is supposed to be  
done, but there is not general conversion for all data. It's safest to  
stick with latin1 for now.

> Do you plan to release gollem for h5 soon? The install process now  
> fails with the following message:
> horde/gollem requires package "horde/horde" (version >= 4.0.0,  
> version <= 5.0.0, excluded versions: 5.0.0), installed version is  
> 5.0.2


> Then I have a feature request too:
> imp - Is it possible to have the "link attachment" option in dynamic  
> view too?

Not yet.

> imp - It is possible to automatically link all attachments bigger  
> than a specified size?


> Thank you for your attention and thanks alot for the app you have developed.
> It is really wonderfull.
> -- 
> Benedetto Vassallo
> Sistema Informativo di Ateneo
> Settore Gestione Reti Hardware e Software
> U.O.B. Sviluppo e manutenzione dei sistemi
> Università degli studi di Palermo
> Phone: +3909123860056
> Fax: +390916529124

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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