[horde] Compose mail: address search is not showing workEmail and homeEmail

Wolfgang Granzer wolfgang at granzer.org
Tue Dec 4 06:57:28 UTC 2012


I have already activated the additional attributes "workEmail" and  
"homeEmail" as described in several other postings. I am able to  
synchronize them with syncml und the fields are already shown in  
turba. Searching for strings in workEmail and homeEmail is also  
working in turba search.

The only thing that is missing is that the search results in imp  
(address book search as well as search with autocompletion) are not  
shown workEmail and homeEmail. When I enter a substring that is  
contained in a contact name that has a workEmail and homeEmail, the  
result is not showing it. If I enter a substring that is directly  
contained within workEmail or homeEmail, a result is showing but it is  
only showing the email attribute not the workEmail or homeEmail.

It was working in the old horde webmail 1.2.11. Am I missing something?


Best regards,


Dr. Wolfgang Granzer
wolfgang at granzer.org

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