[horde] [SOLVED] Horde login from other login screen.

"[SOLTECSIS] Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó" carles at unlimitedmail.org
Tue Dec 4 21:21:13 UTC 2012

On 03/12/12 14:06, "[SOLTECSIS] Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó" wrote:
> On 03/12/12 13:58, Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Zitat von "[SOLTECSIS] Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó"
>> <carles at unlimitedmail.org>:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have two webmail interfaces, one for my free e-mail service users
>>> and the other one for the IMAP users, based upon Horde Groupware
>>> Webmail Edition.
>>> I have a unique login screen in which the user puts his/her username
>>> and password. Depending of the username, the user gets logged into one
>>> webmail interface or other.
>>> I'm having problems making it go in Horde. For the unique login screen
>>> I'm using a PHP script that generates the next page on the fly for the
>>> Horde access:
>>> [...]
>>> <html>
>>> <head>
>>> </head>
>>> <body onLoad="javascript:document.horde_login.submit()">
>>> <form name="horde_login" id="horde_login" method="post"
>>> action="https://secure.myweb.com/horde/login.php">
>>> <input type="hidden" id="app" name="app" value="" />
>>> <input type="hidden" id="login_post" name="login_post" value="0" />
>>> <input type="hidden" name="url" value="" />
>>> <input type="hidden" id="anchor_string" name="anchor_string" value="" />
>>> <input type="hidden" id="horde_user" name="horde_user" value="<? echo
>>> "$USERNAME"; ?>" />
>>> <input type="hidden" id="horde_pass" name="horde_pass" value="<? echo
>>> "$PASSWORD"; ?>" />
>>> <input type="hidden" id="horde_select_view" name="horde_select_view"
>>> value="auto" />
>>> <input type="hidden" id="new_lang" name="new_lang" value="<?if
>>> ($l=="es") echo "es_ES"; else echo "en_GB";?>" />
>>> </form>
>>> </body>
>>> </html>
>>> [...]
>>> But it doesn't go, I get always redirected to the horde login screen
>>> with the unsername typed, but I must type again the password.
>>> If instead of using the onLoad event I generate the on the fly page
>>> with a submit button and I press this button, it goes fine, but with
>>> the onLoad event no.
>>> Why?
>> Maybe you have onclick events attached to that page?
> I have verified that the other login screen (webmail.php) doesn't has
> any onclick event defined.
> And the on the fly generated page only has the HTML code that you can
> see in this e-mail, which has no onclick event attached.

I have found the solution to this problem.
It is necessary to include the next input in the form:
<input type="hidden" id="login-button" name="login_button" value="<?if 
($l=="es") echo "Iniciar sesión"; else echo "Log in";?>" />

Best regards.
Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó
Departamento de Tecnología
Tel./Fax: 966 446 046
cmunyoz at soltecsis.com

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