[horde] How to fix ActiveSync GAL names showing as "No Name"

Oscar del Rio delrio at mie.utoronto.ca
Wed Dec 19 14:06:56 UTC 2012

On 19/12/2012 6:59 AM, Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Oscar del Rio <delrio at mie.utoronto.ca>:
>> (I found the answer before I finished posting, so for anyone with the 
>> same issue...)
>> I have a LDAP read-only addressbook configured as GAL for ActiveSync 
>> devices.
>> The device (iphone) was getting the email addresses from the GAL, but 
>> without names (showing as "No Name").
>> The fix was to add mapping for firstname and lastname to the 
>> localldap addressbook.
>> It seems the iphone uses firstname + lastname as display name.
>> In turba's backends.local.php:
>> // Add firstname and lastname mapping
>> $cfgSources['localldap']['map']['firstname'] = 'givenName';
>> $cfgSources['localldap']['map']['lastname'] = 'sn';
>> Hope that helps someone.
>> Oscar del Rio
>> Univ. of Toronto
> That shouldn't be necessary. If the lastname attribute doesn't exist, 
> the lastname and firstname attributes are guessed from the name 
> attribute.

That does not seem to be the case with the iphone, every entry in the 
GAL showed as "No Name" until I added the firstname, lastname mappings.
Other addressbook entries were OK, only GAL entries had the "No Name" 

I got the hint to add firstname, lastname from another site unrelated to 
"iPhone 3.0: GAL query search shows display name as "No Name" in search 
"This is due to the fact that iPhone does not use the Display Name to 
generate the output, but relies instead on First and Last name fields..."

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