[horde] Installing 5 - Files missing

Urs Forster u.f at gmx.ch
Tue Jan 22 16:30:12 UTC 2013


I've been using horde 3 for quite a while. Now I'm switching vHost. 
First I installed into the wrong directory.
Then I did 'pear uninstall horde/horde_role', 'pear uninstall 
horde/wicked ...... <hundred of packages>' , removed the webmail 
directory and installed from scratch, to the new directory 
//var/www/web7/html/wm// with

pear upgrade PEAR
pear channel-discover pear.horde.org
pear install horde/horde_role
pear run-scripts horde/horde_role
pear install horde/horde

After that, 'webmail-install' is no longer on the machine (after the 
first install it was available)
/-bash: /usr/bin/webmail-install: No such file or directory/
(pear config-get bin_dir: /usr/bin)

Then I tried
cp conf.php.dist conf.php
and started the browser

The log sais

/Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required 
There is no Horde/Autoloader/Default.php in the whole directory 

Then I tried test.php in the browser. With the result:
/Could not find Horde's framework libraries in the following path(s): 
.:/var/www/web7/html/wm/:/var/www/web7/html/wm/lib/. Please read 
horde/docs/INSTALL for information on how to install these libraries.//
No frame* anything can be found  in the wm-directory either.

Googeling the web someone said "after trying ten times it worked ....".

Is there a way out of the mess? (appart from restaging the box)

Thanks a lot


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