[horde] Session overflow

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Sun Feb 17 06:22:24 UTC 2013

Quoting Claude Tompers <claude.tompers at restena.lu>:

> Hello,
> We just found some powerusers in our horde system with Session data in
> MySQL bigger than 64k (max size of type blob) causing horde to crash and
> log them out.
> MySQL cuts the serialized session object after 64k so when Horde reads
> it again, it is not valid anymore.
> We changed the SessionHandler.Session_Data column in the horde database
> to mediumblob (16M) and the problem disappeared immediately.
> Is this a known issue ?

Yes - in fact, it is expressly mentioned in the main horde  
configuration file (horde/config/conf.xml).

> I suppose we are not the only ones with such
> power users.
> Shouldn't Horde log warnings of such overflows from MySQL ?

IIRC, there is no warning (at least there used to not be).  MySQL  
silently discards all data over 64 KB.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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