[horde] ActiveSync not syncing all calendar entries on Android 4.0

Andreas Harrer alwaysthreegreens at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 16:05:01 UTC 2013

On 3/4/2013 3:36 PM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
> Quoting Andreas H <alwaysthreegreens at gmail.com>:
>> Similar Issue for me.
>> Android 4.X (Nexus 4) Does not sync all Calendar events. If i open 
>> one of them
>> in Kronolith and save it, it get synced. Items, i do not open in 
>> Kronolith and
>> resave do not get synced. Sync from new events created on android 
>> work and get
>> synced to Kronolith.
> The log shows nothing but successful PINGs that find no changes when 
> polling the History backend. This means that for whatever reason, your 
> events are not being entered into the History backend when they are 
> created. How are you creating the events?
The events I create completely new at the Kronolith dynamic view get 
synced well (That's what I do). The events which had been there before I 
got my new Android device does not sync (They were also created in the 
Kronolith dynamic view manually by clicking "New Event", as all others). 
I can somehow make them sync (the ones being there before I got the 
Android device) by opening them in Kronolith and resaving them. I used a 
N900 device with Syncevolution before.

Do I have the wrong expectation that the old events should also be 
synced? I would like them to be of course!

kind regards,

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