[horde] Problems with installing Horde 4.0.16

Christian Schulz christian.schulz at ewetel.net
Tue Mar 12 10:28:15 UTC 2013

Am 12.03.2013 11:21, schrieb Jan Schneider:
> Zitat von Christian Schulz <christian.schulz at ewetel.net>:
>> Hello,
>> I have some problems with installing horde 4.0.16 under debian squeeze.
>> I want to use 4.0.16 to install whups 2.0.2.
>> To install it I ran following command:
>> # root at debian:/var/www# pear install horde/horde-4.0.16
>> # WARNING: "pear/Console_Getopt" is deprecated in favor of 
>> "pear/Console_GetoptPlus"
>> # Duplicate package channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Alarm-1.0.8 found
>> # Duplicate package channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Alarm-2.0.4 found
>> # Duplicate package channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Date-2.0.4 found
>> # install failed
>> I investigate the problem around Horde_Alarm.
>> Checking the package.xml of horde, I know that we have to use 1.x.x.
>> Installing Horde_Alarm-1.0.8 fails again:
>> # root at debian:/var/www# pear install horde/Horde_Alarm-1.0.8
>> # Duplicate package channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Exception-1.0.9 found
>> # Duplicate package channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Exception-2.0.3 found
>> # install failed
>> Now I have to install Horde_Exception-1.0.9, but it seems that there 
>> is something wrong with
>> the linked version of the dependency to Horde_Translation:
>> # root at debian:/var/www# pear install horde/Horde_Exception-1.0.9
>> # horde/Horde_Exception is not compatible with downloaded package 
>> "horde/Horde_Translation" version 2.0.0
>> # downloading Horde_Translation-2.0.0.tgz ...
>> # Starting to download Horde_Translation-2.0.0.tgz (13,525 bytes)
>> # .....done: 13,525 bytes
>> # install ok: channel://pear.horde.org/Horde_Translation-2.0.0
>> It says that it is not compatible with Horde_Translation-2.0.0, but 
>> it get installed automatically.
>> The package.xml of Horde_Exception-1.0.9 excludes that version:
>>    <package>
>>     <name>Horde_Translation</name>
>>     <channel>pear.horde.org</channel>
>>     <min>1.0.0</min>
>>     <max>2.0.0</max>
>>     <exclude>2.0.0</exclude>
>>    </package>
>> After installing Horde_Translation-1.0.2 I can continue with the 
>> installation of Horde_Alarm-1.0.8.
>> But I have to do it in different cases.
>> What is wrong?
>> Did I choice the wrong approach?
>> Installing horde-5.0.4 works fine. :/
>> Best Regards,
>> Chris
> This is PEAR's way of telling you that it's unable to properly resolve 
> dependencies when trying to install an older version.


I thought something like that, but why? Is there no try to keep old version?
I have to to that way, when I want to use a stable whups version (2.0.2).



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