[horde] H5 theme development

Mauser Info andreas at mauser.info
Sat Mar 16 19:09:40 UTC 2013

Am 11.03.2013 15:43, schrieb Jan Schneider:
> Zitat von Andreas Mauser <andreas at mauser.info>:
>> Hi,
>> I'm continuing the topic regarding H5 theme support and want to make
>> my own theme.
>> Copying default theme to new named folder (e.g. 'black' for a black
> Don't do that. Only create icons and CSS rules that you actually want
> to change.
Can you tell me more about how you mean that please?
I do not know how to change to a new theme other than creating a copy of
the default theme.
And in what regard is the horde/theme/default theme responsible of
controlling the other theme folders?
Is there any relation or need for these folders to be changed seperately?

>> related theme) and starting changing the name in info.php, then take
>> care about the css file.
>> I experienced that the inner frame e.g. in IMP the mails etc start
>> changing, ok. But the framework around does not change. Also emptying
>> Horde Cache does not lead to the wanted result.
> And did you actually change any rules for what you call the frame? I
> guess you are talking about the topbar menu? Also: CSS is *not* cached
> via Horde_Cache. See the configuration.
>> Can you already give more information about how to modify the H5 themes?
> http://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/ThemesH4
>> I want to create one or new themes and put them online for everyone
>> to use.
>> Thank you,
>> Andreas

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