[horde] How to improve waiting times for ajax requests?

Oscar del Rio delrio at mie.utoronto.ca
Fri Apr 19 18:21:20 UTC 2013

On 04/19/13 01:50 PM, Michael M Slusarz wrote:
> Quoting Oscar del Rio <delrio at mie.utoronto.ca>:
>> On 04/19/13 12:12 PM, Michael M Slusarz wrote:
>>> You are using filesystem caching as directed in the config file, 
>>> right?  Compressing javascript on every pageload obviously makes no 
>>> sense otherwise and you would be spreading FUD by making claims of 
>>> "disabling compression makes things faster!" since that is a 
>>> blatantly incorrect statement.
>> In my case, disabling cache compression makes "first load" 
>> significantly faster.
> This is correct,and expected.  Once the static javascript cache has 
> either been cleared -or- there is a difference in the composition of 
> the javascript package for a page, which normally won't happen 
> until/unless a version changes, a new javascript compressed "package" 
> must be generated.

or if the cache "lifetime" has expired, right? The default value of 
86400 would mean that at least one user would experience the slow 
loading time each day. Would there be any problems if the lifetime is 
set to a very large value?

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