[horde] Horde Groupware Webmail in BitNami

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Apr 22 17:11:58 UTC 2013

Zitat von Beltran <beltran at bitnami.org>:

> Hi all,
> We have been working on creating the BitNami stacks for Horde web  
> application. It would be great if you can test them on your side and  
> let us know if you have any suggestion to improve them. Note that  
> these stacks install and configure the Horde Groupware WebMail  
> application, not the email server. We will add more info in our Wiki  
> about how to configure with Dovecot or any other email server.
> http://downloads.bitnami.com/files/download/bitnami-horde-5.0.4-0-linux-installer.run
> md5sum: 96bb84050b5f821c1c16be7cc14bac0d
> http://downloads.bitnami.com/files/download/bitnami-horde-5.0.4-0-linux-x64-installer.run
> md5sum: 6c579ade3a2ddc82e6defcc425c95f6a
> http://downloads.bitnami.com/files/download/bitnami-horde-5.0.4-0-osx-x86_64-installer.app.zip
> md5sum: b2a178f873131a688008e7303c426442
> Thanks, any suggestion will be appreciated,
> Beltran

Do I understand correctly that you need to have BitNami installed  
first, or does this package include the installer?

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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