[horde] Wicked 2.0.0-git

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri May 3 09:05:46 UTC 2013

Zitat von Ruben Squartini <ruben at auger.org.ar>:

> Hi people!
> I think I did everything I could to figure out what is going on, but no
> success...
> After installing Horde 5.0.4 using PEAR, I got "wicked" using git.
> After some struggling because the RewriteBase was not properly defined I
> reach the situation where no error is shown in either PHP, Apache2 or Horde
> logs, but the only page I can get is the Home.
> Any attempt to Edit, Create, Search, List, Lock, Refresh the page end with
> a "404 File Not Found" sign in the browser that is not related to any
> error, but to some text.

No idea what you mean with this?

> It looks like if there is something missing, perhaps some PEAR module, that
> is preventing the system to work properly.
> I tried changing ownership of wicked directory (and even the whole horde
> directory) to www-data with no success.
> Could you point me towards some direction?
> Regards,
> Ruben.

Without a helpful error message, no.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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