[horde] installing ansel 2.0.2

Andreas Schulze sca at andreasschulze.de
Sun May 12 17:49:14 UTC 2013


I try to install ansel on debian-wheezy from pear.
horde-5.0.4 + imp+ingo is running fine.

as admin I get the info, that a database should be updated. If I do so,
I get this error:

2013-05-12T17:24:50+00:00 ERR: HORDE [horde] SQL QUERY FAILED:  
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOINs are not  
currently supported
         SELECT gallery_id, tag_name, share_owner FROM ansel_shares RIGHT JOIN
           ansel_galleries_tags ON ansel_shares.share_id =
           ansel_galleries_tags.gallery_id LEFT JOIN ansel_tags ON
           ansel_tags.tag_id = ansel_galleries_tags.tag_id; [pid 2546  
on line 815 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Db/Adapter/Base.php"]

I have sqlite as database (which is not excluded by ansel/docs/INSTALL)
Any hints to get ansel running ?


# pear list -c horde
Installed packages, channel pear.horde.org:
Package                   Version State
Horde_ActiveSync          2.3.6   stable
Horde_Alarm               2.0.4   stable
Horde_Argv                2.0.7   stable
Horde_Auth                2.0.4   stable
Horde_Autoloader          2.0.1   stable
Horde_Browser             2.0.3   stable
Horde_Cache               2.1.0   stable
Horde_Cli                 2.0.3   stable
Horde_Compress            2.0.3   stable
Horde_Compress_Fast       1.0.1   stable
Horde_Constraint          2.0.1   stable
Horde_Controller          2.0.1   stable
Horde_Core                2.4.3   stable
Horde_Crypt               2.2.0   stable
Horde_Crypt_Blowfish      1.0.2   stable
Horde_Data                2.0.3   stable
Horde_Date                2.0.4   stable
Horde_Db                  2.0.3   stable
Horde_Editor              2.0.3   stable
Horde_ElasticSearch       1.0.2   stable
Horde_Exception           2.0.3   stable
Horde_Feed                2.0.1   stable
Horde_Form                2.0.3   stable
Horde_Group               2.0.2   stable
Horde_History             2.0.2   stable
Horde_Http                2.0.3   stable
Horde_Icalendar           2.0.5   stable
Horde_Image               2.0.4   stable
Horde_Imap_Client         2.9.0   stable
Horde_Imsp                2.0.3   stable
Horde_Injector            2.0.1   stable
Horde_Itip                2.0.4   stable
Horde_Kolab_Format        2.0.3   stable
Horde_Kolab_Server        2.0.2   stable
Horde_Kolab_Session       2.0.1   stable
Horde_Kolab_Storage       2.0.4   stable
Horde_Ldap                2.0.2   stable
Horde_ListHeaders         1.0.1   stable
Horde_Lock                2.1.0   stable
Horde_Log                 2.0.1   stable
Horde_LoginTasks          2.0.2   stable
Horde_Mail                2.0.5   stable
Horde_Memcache            2.0.2   stable
Horde_Mime                2.1.1   stable
Horde_Mime_Viewer         2.0.4   stable
Horde_Nls                 2.0.2   stable
Horde_Notification        2.0.1   stable
Horde_Oauth               2.0.1   stable
Horde_Perms               2.1.0   stable
Horde_Prefs               2.3.2   stable
Horde_Queue               1.0.0   stable
Horde_Rdo                 2.0.2   stable
Horde_Role                1.0.1   stable
Horde_Routes              2.0.2   stable
Horde_Rpc                 2.0.3   stable
Horde_Scheduler           2.0.1   stable
Horde_Scribe              2.0.1   stable
Horde_Secret              2.0.2   stable
Horde_Serialize           2.0.2   stable
Horde_Service_Facebook    2.0.4   stable
Horde_Service_Twitter     2.0.3   stable
Horde_Service_Weather     2.0.4   stable
Horde_SessionHandler      2.1.0   stable
Horde_Share               2.0.3   stable
Horde_SpellChecker        2.1.0   stable
Horde_Stream              1.2.0   stable
Horde_Stream_Filter       2.0.1   stable
Horde_Stream_Wrapper      2.0.1   stable
Horde_Support             2.1.0   stable
Horde_SyncMl              2.0.3   stable
Horde_Template            2.0.1   stable
Horde_Text_Diff           2.0.2   stable
Horde_Text_Filter         2.1.0   stable
Horde_Text_Filter_Csstidy 2.0.1   stable
Horde_Text_Flowed         2.0.1   stable
Horde_Thrift              2.0.1   stable
Horde_Token               2.0.4   stable
Horde_Translation         2.0.1   stable
Horde_Tree                2.0.2   stable
Horde_Url                 2.2.0   stable
Horde_Util                2.2.1   stable
Horde_Vfs                 2.0.4   stable
Horde_View                2.0.2   stable
Horde_Xml_Element         2.0.1   stable
Horde_Xml_Wbxml           2.0.1   stable
ansel                     2.0.2   stable
content                   2.0.2   stable
horde                     5.0.4   stable
imp                       6.0.4   stable
ingo                      3.0.3   stable
whups                     2.0.2   stable

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