[horde] Configuring OSX for Exchange

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed May 15 19:40:19 UTC 2013

Quoting Michael Wisniewski <wisniewski at mwiz.org>> Hi!
> I'm hitting my head against the wall about this one and need a  
> little help.  I'm trying to configure my mac OSX 10.8 to sync up  
> with Horde.  I've tried to configure calendar.app with "Exchange"  
> and CalDav, but have had zero luck in making it work.  I've tried  
> configuring the "Mail, Contacts & Calendars" in the system  
> preferences for Exchange, but that responds with a network  
> connection error.  I have been able to get Funambol Sync to work,  
> but it doesn't want to sync my calendar...only contacts.
> What is the best way to do this?  Use the "Exchange" protocol?  Will  
> even the Exchange protocol work with Horde?  Use the "CalDav"  
> protocol?  What should I set my paths to?  I have my site at  
> https://www.<foo>.org/webmail/ and not at the root.  I configured  
> Funambol to https://www.<foo>.org/webmail/rpc.php.
> I've tried just about everything and still struggling with this.   
> Hopefully I can get a few ideas here!
> Thanks!
> -- 
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OS X does not have support for Exchange ActiveSync.  It only supports  
communicating with Exchange over RPC.

Sent from mobile.

Michael Wisniewski <wisniewski at mwiz.org> wrote:

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