[horde] saving ingo rules to sieve sieveserver fail

Andreas Schulze sca at andreasschulze.de
Mon Jun 10 05:02:13 UTC 2013

Zitat von simon <simon at simonandkate.net>:

> You will need to modify your backends.local.php to the new format,  
> following the example text in backends.php. 

thanks for again pointing to UPGRADING ...

I am not so familiar with php and failed to configure properly with  
informations given in backends.php.
I tried
$backends['sieve']['transport']['Ingo::RULE_ALL']['params']['hostspec'] =  
= '';
-> here I get simply the same error "can't connect" which obviously  
mean I didn't change the *right* 'hostspec'.

  - $backends['sieve']['transport']['params']['hostspec'] = '';
-> this is completly wrong!

At last resort I copied the complete multiline array block  
"$backends['sieve'] = array( ... ) to backends.local.php
and modify accordingly. *That works* :-)

But I assume it's not best practice to copy whole array blocks.
Could someone explain the syntax to override only the hostspec?
Maybe the top example in backends.php ( starting at line 14 ) could be  
extended to these most common case.


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