[horde] Problems with FBURL

Christopher Neuhaus cne at ruhrverband.de
Tue Jun 11 10:14:05 UTC 2013


I've got a problem with the freebusy-URL in H5.
In turba/config/backends.local.php, I have realised this through ..

$cfgSources['ldap_entry'] = array(
     'disabled' => false,
     'title' => _("My Entry"),
     'type' => 'ldap',
     'params' => array(
          'server' => 'ldap.server.tld',
         'dn' => array('uid'),
         'objectclass' => array('calEntry'),

     'map' => array(
         '__key' => 'dn',
         '__uid' => 'uid',
         'freebusyUrl' => 'calFBURL',
         'freebusyUrl' => array('fields' => array('__uid'),
                            'format' => 

Kronolith is configured to use the address book.
The FBURL can be opened by wget from the H5 server.
In H3 there is no problem to use this.
In H5 the error occurs: Can`t find the freebusy information of the 
wanted email at server.tld.

The only hint I get is from Firebug (Firefox 20.0) when opening 

TypeError: t.escapeHTML is not a function
[Bei diesem Fehler anhalten]

displayFilter: function(t) { return t.escapeHTML(); },

Did I miss something?


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