[horde] Excessive Weather API calls

Simon Wilson simon at simonandkate.net
Tue Jun 25 07:41:19 UTC 2013

I was using wunderground for weather information on the Horde portal,  
but kept getting pinged by them for excess usage (over 500 calls per  
day). We tried resetting the API key in case it had been compromised,  
but that did not reduce the calls, so it was my Horde system that was  
calling it. This was during a period when we were all away and no-one  
was actually logged into the system at all - other than via AS  

As I was running out of raindrops (their credit system for over-use) I  
swapped today to use worldweatheronline, registering for a key. In  
just over 6 hours, almost 300 calls have been made. This is despite  
the fact that I only had the Horde portal open when I was testing  
it... and even then it is set to refresh once per hour only. I might  
have called it 5 or 6 times whilst testing it.

Something appears to be triggering weather API calls on a far more  
regular basis than should be the case...

free v1 search.ashx	275	(98%)
free v1 weather.ashx	5	(2%)

The only thing that happens that regularly on my Horde system is AS  

Any ideas?


Simon Wilson
M: 0400 12 11 16
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