[horde] Excessive Weather API calls

Arjen de Korte arjen+horde at de-korte.org
Tue Jun 25 08:56:56 UTC 2013

Citeren Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Simon Wilson <simon at simonandkate.net>:
>> I was using wunderground for weather information on the Horde  
>> portal, but kept getting pinged by them for excess usage (over 500  
>> calls per day). We tried resetting the API key in case it had been  
>> compromised, but that did not reduce the calls, so it was my Horde  
>> system that was calling it. This was during a period when we were  
>> all away and no-one was actually logged into the system at all -  
>> other than via AS connections.
>> As I was running out of raindrops (their credit system for  
>> over-use) I swapped today to use worldweatheronline, registering  
>> for a key. In just over 6 hours, almost 300 calls have been made.  
>> This is despite the fact that I only had the Horde portal open when  
>> I was testing it... and even then it is set to refresh once per  
>> hour only. I might have called it 5 or 6 times whilst testing it.
>> Something appears to be triggering weather API calls on a far more  
>> regular basis than should be the case...
>> free v1 search.ashx	275	(98%)
>> free v1 weather.ashx	5	(2%)
>> The only thing that happens that regularly on my Horde system is AS  
>> activity...
>> Any ideas?
>> Simon
>> --
>> Simon Wilson
>> M: 0400 12 11 16
> Besides that those calls should theoretically be cached, any chance  
> that you have the weather forecast included in your calendar?

Provided that you have one. Could it be you have no  
$conf[cache][driver] configured? Using Weather Underground without one  
will quickly exceed the volumes for free accounts.
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