[horde] Kronolith Weather calendar

Simon Wilson simon at simonandkate.net
Thu Jul 4 22:36:11 UTC 2013

>> Where does the Kronolith weather calendar get its location info from?
>> I have Wunderground set to Brisbane, Queensland, but the calendar  
>> is showing Brisbane, CA.
>> Is it configurable somewhere? My pref for location is set to  
>> Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
> Kronolith gets weather from the "Timeobjects" application, which in  
> turn tries to find a location to use from either the user's  
> preferences (the "Location to use for location aware features"  
> pref), the contact marked as yours in Turba, or (IIRC) a location  
> derived from the browser IP.
> Note that the search text that the weather provider uses might not  
> be exactly what you think it is. I just tried using "Brisbane,  
> Australia" as the value for the location pref and that seemed to  
> work, while "Brisbane, Queensland" did not.
> -- 
> mike

Thanks Mike. I set my Global pref location to 'Brisbane, Australia'  
and it works. Funny thing is though that the calendar now comes up  
with the weather location as 'Brisbane, Queensland'. :) Go figure.

Anyway, it works. Thanks for that.

Simon Wilson
M: 0400 12 11 16
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