[horde] Fwd: Mail sent from imp is empty after recent pear upgrade

Ole Wolf ole at naturloven.dk
Mon Aug 26 09:36:41 UTC 2013

  I've made a little headway on tracking down the bug, I think.

I uninstalled Net_SMTP entirely, and then wasn't able to send email from
IMP at all; the framework reported an error communicating with the mail
server. When I reinstalled Net_SMTP, I could send email again (although
still broken).

Somehow this makes me suspect that not all Horde modules were installed
during the upgrade. This has happened before.

​However, reinstalling (with "pear install -f") Horde_Smtp, Horde_Mime,
Horde_Text_Filter, and Horde_Imap_Client didn't help. I'm not familiar
enought with the Horde framework to tell what might be happening that
requiries Net_SMTP to be installed in spite of the migration to Horde_Smtp.

Ole Wolf
Rødhættevej 4 • 9400 Nørresundby
Telefon: 9632-0108 • Mobil: 2467-5526 • Skype: ole.wolf

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