[horde] SOLVED: imp spell language list, i need only En, Fr and De

Andreas Schulze sca at andreasschulze.de
Thu Sep 5 18:24:03 UTC 2013

Zitat von Stefan Johänntgen <Stefan at nicolejo.de>:

> how can i deactivate languages in the language pulldownmenu of IMP.
> I need only 3 languages and i have only this 3 installed!  
> (aspell_de, aspell_fr, aspell_en)


thanks for the question and the answers:
I'm posting this as I found many discussions don't finish with a  
usable cut&paste solution.

I now have this horde/config/nls.local.php and only 2 languages :-)

$horde_nls_config['spelling'] = array(
  'de_DE' => '-T latin1 -d deutsch',
  'en_GB' => '-d british',


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