[horde] Fundraising: Multiple calendar, tasklist and address book support over ActiveSync

Luis Felipe Marzagao lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com
Sun Sep 22 13:41:13 UTC 2013

Em 20-09-2013 10:09, Andy Dorman escreveu:
> On 09/19/2013 10:21 PM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> There has been some discussion on the mailing lists lately regarding
>> support for synchronizing multiple calendars over ActiveSync. Currently
>> this is accomplished by combining the events of all calendars into a
>> single virtual calendar exposed to ActiveSync. Since multiple calendars
>> are not supported by all ActiveSync clients, this provides compatibility
>> with the widest range of devices while still exposing all events from
>> all the user's calendars. This is not specific to calendars. The same
>> method is used for contact and task lists.
>> The ActiveSync protocol, however, *does* allow for this feature, so it
>> was requested by a number of people to have this added to Horde's
>> ActiveSync implementation. Since adding this to the calendar, contact
>> and task collections would not be an insignificant amount of work, I
>> indicated that this would need to be funded/sponsored in order for this
>> to occur any time soon.
>> Taking the recent success of IMP's crowdfunded Multiple Accounts feature
>> into account, it was again suggested by others on the mailing list to go
>> the crowdfunding route once again.
>> The fundraiser page is found at:
>> http://tilt.tc/Nlkh
>> I have reduced the amount needed to "tilt" the fundraiser to below the
>> total cost of the project since Horde LLC will contribute the remaining
>> funds if the fundraiser is successful. So, please consider donating if
>> this feature is important to you, or pass this along to someone who it
>> may interest.
>> As always, thanks to everyone for supporting Horde development.
> We just contributed $100.  We do not yet have an ActiveSync license, 
> but we may some day.
> However, the other reason for contributing was to take this 
> opportunity to pay, if only a little, for all the hard work Michael 
> has done for Horde and all of us that use it.
> Thank you Michael.

Another $100 here. Hope it helps.

Luis Felipe

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