[horde] ActiveSync and Windows 8 Mail App

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Oct 7 15:17:21 UTC 2013

Quoting Jonas Ryser <jonas at ryser.org>:

> There is nothing in the Apache ErrorLog, AccessLog is as follows:

> - jonas [07/Oct/2013:16:55:14 +0200] "POST  
> /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?jBQHCBDLK9bWqlJwXrWeMV6p67fxBAAAAAALV2luZG93c01haWw= HTTP/1.1" 200 650 "-"  
> "WindowsMail/17.3.9431.0"

This is a provisioning request. If you have provisioning turned on in  
your activesync permissions, try disabling it and see if it works. If  
it does, WindowsMail doesn't support provisioning either (like  
Outlook) and I'll have to put a work around in place for that as well.

The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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