[horde] ActiveSync: Events twice on mobile

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Oct 18 14:40:35 UTC 2013

Quoting Lukas Gradl <horde at ssn.at>:

> Hi!
> I've a strange problem with ActiveSync. I'm not shure when this  
> problem started to appear, as I normally use only one mobile to edit  
> and view my events. I've already upgraded to ActiveSync 2.8.4 and  
> did a full resync - but still the same problem.
> When sending an event to the mobile it appears two times on the mobile.
> I have 2 mobiles synced with the same account on horde.
> Horde was updated today, ActiveSync 2.8.4., full resync afterwards.
> Mobile1: Samsung Galaxy S3, Android 4.1.2
> Mobile2: Samsung Galaxy Tab, Android 4.0.4
> I create an event in kronolith: it appears two times on mobile1 and  
> on mobile2.
> I create an event on mobile1: it appears correctly in kronolith and  
> two times in mobile2.
> I create an event on mobile2: it appears correctly in kronolith and  
> two times in mobile1.
> When I do a full resync everything is fine - the events that where  
> two times on the mobile are now correct as well - but when I create  
> a new one - same as above.
> Same thing when changing an event:
> An event available correctly on all devices gets changed on mobile1  
> now is available two times on mobile2.
> Any hints about that problem? For creating traces I first have to  
> change some configs, as all traffic is SSL encoded - so I'm asking  
> first if i'm missing anything - but I didn't find a hint on the  
> mailing list...
> any help appreciated,

There is a ticket on bugs.horde.org (I believe it's already closed as  
Not A Bug so you'll have to search for it). The bottom line is this  
seems to only happen on certain Samsung clients. The synclogs provided  
by others show nothing strange that I can see. If you can track down  
exactly what it is in the events that is causing the duplication I can  
look at fixing it. Otherwise, not sure what else to tell you.

The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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