[horde] ActiveSync: Events twice on mobile

Lukas Gradl horde at ssn.at
Sun Oct 20 20:45:43 UTC 2013

Zitat von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
> There is a ticket on bugs.horde.org (I believe it's already closed  
> as Not A Bug so you'll have to search for it). The bottom line is  
> this seems to only happen on certain Samsung clients. The synclogs  
> provided by others show nothing strange that I can see. If you can  
> track down exactly what it is in the events that is causing the  
> duplication I can look at fixing it. Otherwise, not sure what else  
> to tell you.

Found that ticket - this is exactly the same problem

I tried to play around with that - could'nt find an event that gets  
*not* doubled on the GalaxyTab and the GalaxyS3. I have an GalaxyS1  
with Cyanogen here as well - no problem with that.

So my findings so far:
- happens only to original Samsung Firmware
- is not depending on the event - every event get's doubled.

Would some traces of MS ActiveSync compared to horde ActiveSync help?  
I can try to create that if you think that might help.

As there are quite a few Samsung mobiles out there, I would be glad to  
help resolving that issue...


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