[horde] asked not the first time: howto visualize message headers

Andreas Schulze sca at andreasschulze.de
Wed Oct 23 08:14:15 UTC 2013

Zitat von Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:

> The purpose of Authentication-Results should be a binary decision at  
> the MTA level:
>  - if it fails, you should discard
>  - if it succeeds, it should be shown to the user without any  
> additional information.


right, that's the theory.
but in practice most postmaster still don't force no reject action on FAIL.

And as I am such a postmaster I like to *see and monitor* the result  
for *each* message.
I like to build a trust the these results an force action on fail someday
without loosing messages.

"Show all message headers" is an option, but uncomfortable...

So maybe this will not be a mainstream but a framework to visualise  
header (selected by admin)
may be still useful in may other cases too.


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