[horde] Administrator access not there after upgrade from webmail 4 to 5.1.3

francis picabia fpicabia at gmail.com
Mon Nov 4 20:08:45 UTC 2013

I did an upgrade using the pear upgrade command as documented.
This was on a web site which had been working well for webmail 4 before,
and my user name could login and see the Administrator items.

Initially after the updated software and on the first login, I used one
of the pop up notices about the database schema being out of date.
I clicked on the notice and the link within the notice I was
thankfully able to get in.  So access and existence
are probably not a problem, only the appearance in the menu.

I have not been able to locate what is wrong.  I checked for any notes on this
in the wiki, etc.  I've checked from the horde portal level as well as
within the mail level of the interface.

I must be doing something stupid here, but I don't see it.

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