[horde] Can I log CalDAV sync?

Steffen skhorde at smail.inf.fh-bonn-rhein-sieg.de
Wed Nov 20 13:21:15 UTC 2013


for ActiveSync you get some kind of logging for the traffic of each 
client. Is it possible to enable something like that for CalDAV as well?

The background is this:

I have 5 CalDAV clients and 1 ActiveSync client for me calendar. 
ActiveSync and the GUI currently agrees about two particular events.

The CalDAV clients disagree. I see in the Apache logs, that all 5 CalDAV 
clients issue PROPFIND and REPORT commands, but one client does not get 
the changes of one event modified by ActiveSync, one client does not have 
the reminder, one client shows the start time 7 minutes off [yes, I mean 7 
minutes] and one shows one hour off.

Now I wonder, if I can enable some logging in Horde to get the idea, 
what/which daya is transferred to each client. I know, I can use wireshark 
to sniff the connection, but it would be more helpful to see somewhat 
sophisticated information, e.g. client request changes since X, we have 
A,B,&C and sent D,F. or something like that.

Kind regards,


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