[horde] Can I log CalDAV sync?

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Nov 20 18:40:44 UTC 2013

Zitat von Steffen <skhorde at smail.inf.fh-bonn-rhein-sieg.de>:

> hi,
> for ActiveSync you get some kind of logging for the traffic of each  
> client. Is it possible to enable something like that for CalDAV as  
> well?

Unfortunately not. The SabreDAV library doesn't support such logging,  
and the Horde_Http library that's being used internally neither.

> The background is this:
> I have 5 CalDAV clients and 1 ActiveSync client for me calendar.  
> ActiveSync and the GUI currently agrees about two particular events.
> The CalDAV clients disagree. I see in the Apache logs, that all 5  
> CalDAV clients issue PROPFIND and REPORT commands, but one client  
> does not get the changes of one event modified by ActiveSync, one  
> client does not have the reminder, one client shows the start time 7  
> minutes off [yes, I mean 7 minutes] and one shows one hour off.
> Now I wonder, if I can enable some logging in Horde to get the idea,  
> what/which daya is transferred to each client. I know, I can use  
> wireshark to sniff the connection, but it would be more helpful to  
> see somewhat sophisticated information, e.g. client request changes  
> since X, we have A,B,&C and sent D,F. or something like that.
> Kind regards,
> -- 
> Steffen

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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