[horde] [Solved] Problems with SOGo connector

Robert Schetterer rs at sys4.de
Thu Nov 28 21:32:00 UTC 2013

Am 28.11.2013 22:00, schrieb Dominik Erdmann:
> By the way: The Offline-Support from CalDAV/Lightning with Horde doesn't
> work. Correct? Lightning won't sync the data if I enable
> Offline-Support. 

With an ownCloud-CalDAV-address it works.

thats interesting....

i my setup this changed with the new lightning version, youre right i
cant get offline support caldav yet, but i am nearly sure this is a bug
in lightning

some others seem to have equal problems


 von Raz am November 25, 2013 · Permanentlink

Also ran into some issues with TB 24.1.1 and Lightning 2.6.3 on Ubuntu
13.04. After some fiddling found out that selecting "Offline support"
results in a completely empty calendar. Online it's working just fine.

also read

lots of stuff special with linux

however to my latest upgrades with lightning and horde the performance
with webdav ics calenders went more worst

i wish funambol plugin would be compiled to use with TB 24 and/or an
active sync calendar plugin would exist

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

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