[horde] Alter GAL search in ActiveSync

lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de
Wed Jan 15 16:02:53 UTC 2014

Zitat von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

Quoting lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de:
>> Hello,
>> is it possible to change the fields/attributes included in a   
>> ActiveSync GAL search?
> Are you referring to the fields that are searched, or returned? I'm   
> going to assume "searched" since we already return the Company field  
>  in the results if it's available.

Yes, the searched fields. Our stuff sometimes need to find a  
replacement contact related to a company, so searching for company  
would be nice to have.

>> From my understandig the Device/Client does choose which   
>> fields/attributes to search,
> This is incorrect. The ActiveSync specification states that the  
> search  term is used as a "prefix string match" against text fields  
> that are  indexed by Exchange's "Ambiguous Name Resolution Service  
> (ANR)". It  goes on to state that the ANR service indexes the  
> following fields:  "Fullname", "Alias", "First Name", "Last Name",  
> and "Email". So that  is how we implemented it.
> That being said, I really don't see any reason not to extend that to  
>  all fields configured to allow search in backends.php. Please  
> create  an enhancement request on bugs.horde.org for this so I don't  
> forget.

That's the most straight forward way i guess to simply use the  
configured fields for the backend in question. I will create a  
enhancement, thanks.



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