[horde] kronolith off-by-one-hour daylight savings time bug

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Mar 4 15:55:46 UTC 2014

Quoting Benjamin Rose <benrose at math.princeton.edu>:

> Hi Everyone,
> Now that DST is just a few short days away in NYC, I have users once  
> again noticing their recurring 2pm meetings/appointments all say 3pm  
> next week. This goes for the Kronolith web interface itself, as well  
> as any user I have subscribed to CalDAV/ics who is on  
> Linux/Mac/Windows. Yes, Outlook too has the time shifted. I have  
> seen more "broken" clients than "working" at this point. I am trying  
> to track down the source of this bug and fix it once and for all. I  
> have commented trying to reopen this ticket:
> http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/12773
> Can someone please reclassify that ticket as open? Or should I file  
> a new bug report? I am the systems manager here so I can provide all  
> sorts of proof and/or test data. As far as I can tell the only  
> reason this ticket was closed was because an Android client worked  
> through ActiveSync, but that doesn't seem like very thorough testing  
> considering every other client I have tested is broken.

This is not true. If you read my comments, you will see that it was  
tested using Lightning. I included the information about the  
activesync clients (which, by the way, were not just android clients)  
for completeness to show that the information coming from kronolith  
was correct.

The bug was closed, as mentioned in the ticket, because no developer  
can reproduce your symptoms. I have dozens of recurring events, and  
not one of them is being shifted in any client I have tried in -  
including Outlook and Lightning.

The Horde Project

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