[horde] [SOLVED] Re: Horde_Db 2.1.0 trashed Installation

lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de
Wed Mar 5 13:11:51 UTC 2014

Finally this one worked again to get a drop down list for the  
from_addr to let the user choose from assigned mail addresses:


// user preferred email address for From: line
// get a list of mailaliases assigned to the actual username
$db_results = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Db_Adapter')
                     ->selectAssoc('SELECT mailalias,mailalias FROM  
your_table_name WHERE user_uid = ?',

$_prefs['from_addr'] = array(
     'value' => '',
     'type' => 'enum',
     'enum' => $db_results,
     'desc' =>  _("The default e-mail address to use with this identity:")

Thanks for the help


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