[horde] kronolith off-by-one-hour daylight savings time bug

Benjamin Rose benrose at math.princeton.edu
Wed Mar 5 15:57:48 UTC 2014


I have collected as much information as I can right now and have 
attached it to the relevant ticket:


The ics file I attached last is the most telling I think - evolution, 
lightning, and google calendar (!) all show the event 2pm this week 
(week of 3/3/2014) and scheduled at 3pm next week (week of 3/10/2014), 
after the DST switch. This data is coming from kronolith somehow, but 
I'm not pro enough yet to figure out what exactly is malformed about it. 
Reading up on ics formatting now.

If there's any additional information that would be of help in 
diagnosing this problem, please don't hesitate to ask.


On 03/04/2014 06:08 PM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
> Quoting Benjamin Rose <benrose at math.princeton.edu>:
>> No, this problem exists with not only lightning but also evolution,
> Just tried this with evolution as well, and I still don't see this using
> either stable code or Git master.
>> and outlook, regardless of client operating system. The bug is within
>> horde, not the subscribers. I don't think bringing in lightning devs
>> will help here.
>> Michael, would it be sufficient for you if I create you an account on
>> my Horde installation and you can witness the problem first-hand? I
>> will email you off-list.
> Not really. The problem isn't that I don't believe that YOU are seeing
> it, but rather that I, or some other developer, needs this to happen on
> a development machine that we can actively debug it locally on -
> including adding debug code, xdebug breakpoints etc...

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