[horde] special_use folder

Andreas Schulze sca at andreasschulze.de
Mon Mar 31 19:59:36 UTC 2014


I'm currently playing with default folders.

using horde/imp on an empty imap mailbox I could create a new folder "Drafts".
Its name is instantly translated to "Entwürfe" an the folder is placed  
direct under
"Posteingang". Also the folder get a special icon.

Same happen if I use an existing imap mailbox containing a folder ".Drafts"

Using the special_use feature I like to use mailboxes contain folders ".draft"
(notice the lower d and missing s)

I configured dovecot to announce \Drafts flag on folders ".draft"

# telnet imap 143
... login ...
. list "" "%s" RETURN (SPECIAL-USE)
* LIST (\Drafts) "." draft
* LIST () "." INBOX
. OK List completed.

I have also this in horde/imp/config/backends-$SERVER_NAME.php
$servers['imap']['special_mboxes'][IMP_Mailbox::MBOX_DRAFTS] = 'Drafts';

But still the folder "draft" is shown as normal folder.
furthermore: If I create a folder "Drafts" using IMP, *this* new  
folder is shown again as "Entwürfe"

What's wrong with this setup?

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