[horde] Can't update Horde_Image

Dominik Erdmann horde_mailing at der-domi.de
Fri Apr 4 08:09:40 UTC 2014


I updated the yesterday published packages. But I had problems with 

# pear upgrade -a -B -c horde
Failed to download pecl/imagick within preferred state "stable", latest 
release is version 3.2.0RC1, stability "beta", use 
"channel://pecl.php.net/imagick-3.2.0RC1" to install
Unknown remote channel: pear.phpunit.de
horde/Horde_Image requires package "pecl/imagick" (version >= 2.0.0, 
version <= 3.0.0alpha1, excluded versions: 3.0.0alpha1), installed 
version is 3.1.2

# pecl install imagick
pecl/imagick is already installed and is the same as the released 
version 3.1.2
install failed

Is there an issue in the packaging and I only have to wait a few days. 
Or do I have to downgrade imagick?

Best regards,

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